Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Give away

Here is a fabulous giveaway: http://ihavetosay.typepad.com/

I love the quilt along. Our Relief Society is using this quilt top as a project for kids in the Sick Kids Burn Unit. It has been an exciting process. I got a bunch of fabric together and aked the YW and RS to volunteer to cut 4 inch squares and 8 by 4 rectangles. They did a great job. After we did this I assembled quilt tops for the sisters to sew. We are planning to tie these quilts on September 1. This is very exciting. Sitting around a quilt frame brings out the pioneer spirit in me and I totally love it.
I coud probably go on for a while about this concept. How great and different this earth would be with more women taking time to sit, visit, use their hands, build a skill and use this all for good. Imagine.
Thanks Randi for the giveaway the possibility for me to have more material to work with for this cause.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

One of my beefs about cleaning...

I am not sure how many of you fall into this same problem...all the little bits and pieces that are everywhere. I get so sidetracked by them and want to throw them all away. What usually happens is that I put them all in a box to go through later and then have a dreaded box that I put in the basement and takes up space. Not a good thing.... Here is the collection at the end of my room.
I am happy to report that the kids are doing great with keeping everything tidy. I am also pleased as can be with the bigger and bigger pile of giveaway stuff in the family room. The funny part about the pile however is that my daughter is a little suspicious of what is in the pile and so she will occasionally go through it. Must change this strategy- perhaps keeping the pile in the back of the van.

Will include picture on next post- just imagine 15 random items on my bed. What do you do with all these little things. I do not want to micromanage every piece of Lego and puzzle!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Here is the result of the boys room. I also did some switching around of some furniture (of course!!). Although the dresser is not white in the boys room, it will have to do for now. I took out the tall dresser from the closet which gives a lot more room. Now that Baby is not wearing onesies and is the same size for everything that child 3 is in things are a little more streamlined.

I was very happy with how much stuff I got rid of.

Benefits of doing this:
-gave lots of great boy clothes and other baby related stuff to a friend having a baby
-got things organized
-have a pile of stuff to return to my sister
-have stuff to give or sell that just doesn't work in the space
-have a perfect organizer for the makeshift kitchen that will be going into the basement as we remodel the kitchen!@! so excited

Good stuff.

I am not sure what to do with the paintings behind the chair in the hall. I have some pretty good wall space upstairs but i have not been inspired yet.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Keeping it Real

Okay so I am going to post these pictures as is. There was no quick tidy before these pictures were taken. This is really good motivation.

THis is just the younger boys room- many more pictures to come.