Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Second Birthday Charity Celebration November 3 @noon

Another birthday is rolling nigh
So rather than groan or have a big sigh
I have decided to host another charity fling
Bring a potluck item to share and a few other things.

We will be donating to those who have less
Diapers, wipes, toiletries and non-perishable food would be best.
We will be donating to those who live in the city,
Giving to others always helps to feel 'giddy'.

So write down the date and make sure to attend
We'll have such a great time that you won't want the party to end.
Please let me know if you will be there
So I can know how many with whom my birthday I'll share.

Please let me know if you can attend- I am excited to share this day together!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Leave of Absence

Our family has had a pretty exciting time this past month.  We had an incredible 2 week trip to the east coast and were able to discover some wonderful new places in the world ( Boston, Maine, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI).  We put 5014 km on the van!

When we got home we had just over a week to get ready for school, host two birthday parties and prepare for my 10 year anniversary trip to Iceland.  This also meant preparing the house etc for my parents in law to stay and watch the kids.

Here are some photos of our trip.  I really fell in love with the country and the people.  My husband's great grandparents came from Iceland and we had the opportunity to meet with many of them.  It truly was a trip of a life time.
original Icelandic horse- brought along with the vikings when they settled Iceland

60 m waterfall

there was a real shortage of wood so this is how they built their homes

some more traditional homes

beautiful photo of a fisherman's home right beside the ocean

the world famous Blue Lagoon- it was quite amazing

Since we have benn home from our trip I did two presentations on how to write a family history blog at a geneaolgy conference (my other blog  I was selected to do an 'I Am Mormon" ad (see and so I have been getting the house ready for a camera crew (curtains, pictures on walls, autumn decoration).  I got a call a few days ago that plans have changed and they aren't sure when they'll come!!  This was a great push to get me in gear and I have been grateful for the schedule I have made.

I have a FABULOUS motivation to get this house into order-

Yep- baby number five will be arriving sometime at the beginning of April so I want to make sure that I have everything in order.  We are so excited for this new addition to the family and I want to make sure that I can hold this baby as much as possible instead of painting walls and renovating bathrooms.
So there you have it all my many reasons for a leave of absence.