So a while back i heard an episode on CBC radio about a group of women who worked together and made quilts for project Linus. Of course I got misty eyed. I also happened upon Margaret's Hope Chest site and a few more tears were shed. Then after a conversation with my husband's aunt warmly refered to as GAK (great aunt karen) shared a story with us about her daughter who has been sick for about 12 years now. At one point of one of her hospital stays she received a blanket from the Project Linus. Whenever things get rough or if she needs comfort, she goes to that quilt.

I shared my desire to do these quilts with the Relief Society in my ward and we went ahead. At the beginning of the summer I made templates and got a bunch of fabric together and handed out cutting assignments. The sisters (both RS and YW) quickly agreed to help. After the squares and rectangles were cut, I assembled packages of fabric for sisters to sew.

I think Marla really wanted to take a nap with this lovely quilt.

One of the sisters in the ward made 3 additional quilts and donated them.

This is Anne, a 12 year old who decided to help cut the squares and rectangles and make a quilt. She worked almost all day on this quilt. Her mom said that she didn't even stop for lunch! She came over and I showed her how to 'birth' her quilt. She even tied it that night. I am so happy for her. When she finished her quilt her mom asked it she was going to make her own quilt and she quickly replied, "no way, it's too much work".

Here are some wonderful ladies from my ward who are tying these wonderful quilts. Isn't it great?
We are going to be doing another evening like this in October. I will be needing more fabric cut and quilt tops sewn for then. I am available to teach basic quilting. I have been thrilled by the response.
Great pictures, looks like everyone had a great time.